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Welcome to Temple Avodah

The Committees of Temple Avodah

 As you can see below, there are a variety  of committees that help our Temple function. Committee members and Committee Chairs are all volunteers who work together to keep Temple Avodah a dynamic and productive place. Most Committees meet on average of once a month and require just a few hours of your time.

If you are interested in joining any of the Committees  — or even if you just want to attend a meeting and see what it is all about — please email or contact the Temple office at 516-766-6809 and leave a message for the Committee Chairperson. Meetings of Committees are also located on our Temple Website Calendar for your convenience.

This is your Temple, and we welcome your participation, your ideas, your enthusiasm and your assistance.

We need you! You can join a Committee or just help on one Temple Project.   Contact the Temple Office at 516-766-6809 for more information.

Temple Avodah Committees

Beautification Committee                                                                                                                                                                         

  The Beautification Committee is dedicated to keeping Temple Avodah beautiful, inside and out, and maintaining the charm and personality of our Temple. All aspects of renovation, colors, textures and changes, together with costs and benefits, are reviewed by committee members to ensure the perfection to our Temple. We also meet periodically for weeding and general garden cleanup events. Our Temple Youth sometimes joins us for these activities. We always welcome new people with new ideas and new energies. Please join us!

Budget and Finance Committee                                                                                                                                                                                                  This committee meets several times before the end of our fiscal year (July) to discuss and recommend the Temple Budget.

Building and Grounds Committee / Landscaping                                                                                                                                                                     This committee literally helps keep our roof over our head, our cars from hitting potholes, and so much more. Pardon the pun, but it is the foundation of our Temple building.

The Landscape Committee is a division of the Building and Grounds Committee dedicated to the care of the Temple landscape. Our job is to maintain and enhance our gardens. We raise funds through contributions and very early each spring and (money permitting) each autumn, our committee meets to discuss how we can best use the collected monies to beautify our gardens. A professional landscaper then meets with us to make our plans “take root”.

Caring Committee                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The Temple Avodah Caring Committee is involved in helping members of the Temple during times of need. Our purpose is to provide assistance if you need a ride to the doctor, or if you wish visitors when you are ill at home or in the hospital, and to aid you in case of a death in the family. We send cards when we know someone is not well and offer assistance when we can.

We ask that you let our committee know of anyone in need of assistance by contacting the office, or let Rabbi Shai know if we can be of any help.

Fundraising Committee                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The Temple Avodah Fundraising Committee helps develop and implement ideas for fundraising. Raising funds helps our temple grow. We have fun while brainstorming, planning and hosting many exciting events which bring Temple members together. Our events include annual events such as our  raffles that feature great prizes such as TVs, entertainment systems, trips and tickets to Broadway shows. We have also hosted successful art auctions, dinner cruises, film festivals, theater trips, sporting event trips, musical cabaret nights, innovative shows such as a mentalist performer, defensive driving classes and so much more!

We are always looking for members with innovative ideas, energy and enthusiasm to join our team. Please call the Temple Office and leave a message for a Fundraising Chairperson.

Insurance Committee                                                                                                                                                                                                                          This committee is responsible to research and recommend insurance coverage for the Temple building and personnel.

Legal Committee                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Even a Temple needs lawyers. This committee drafts and reviews contracts, analyzes and helps amend our Constitution and By-Laws, and tries to prevent potential situations of liability.

Library (Adult) – Alan M. Katz Library Committee                                                                                                                                                          Temple Avodah is home to books relating to all aspects of Judaism, including culture, history and Talmudic topics. You may read more about our Temple Library by clicking here.

Library (Children’s) Amanda Rose Kanowitz Children’s Library and PJ Library Committee                                                                           The Amanda Rose Kanowitz Children’s Library Committee maintains the children’s book collection at Temple Avodah. There is a vast collection of all types of books for all ages available to the children  of our Temple and their families.

PJ Library is a special program for children ages 6 months to 8 years sponsored by the Amanda Rose Kanowitz Children’s Library Fund. Through high quality children’s books and music, PJ Library provides a framework through which parents can introduce their children to Jewish traditions, values and customs. The PJ Library committee plans programs to develop marketing strategies to spread the word about PJ, to reach out to new families and to strengthen relationships with existing families.

We welcome members to our committee to help catalog new books and plan future programs. Click here to learn more about the Children’s Library  and  PJ Library.

Life Long Learning Committee                                                                                                                                                                                                        The lifelong learning committee arranges an exciting mix of classes, events and workshops that are designed to spark lively conversation. Although topics usually include aspects of Judaism, we like to incorporate issues of everyday life, and humor.

Marketing Coomunications & Technology Committee                                                                                                                                                           Temple Avodah dares to be different. We encourage creativity when we create content used for advertising and public relations. We also reach out to the Community including social media, print media and other innovative ways to publicize our events. No experience required. Just bring your imagination and enthusiasm. We’d love to have you join our team! Contact the Temple Office and leave a message for someone to call you about becoming a part of the Marketing Committee.

Membership Committee                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The Membership Committee works to inform prospective, new members and current members about the many wonderful, fun-filled events held at Temple Avodah throughout the year. We work closely with all of the Temple’s committees, the Temple’s arms, Religious School, Rabbi, and Cantor to spread the word about the very best that Temple Avodah has to offer to the community. We are always interested in suggestions and comments to improve our Temple home. We welcome you to come to our committee meetings, which meet once monthly.  Please contact the Temple office if you would like to share an idea, or if you would like to come to a meeting and see what we are all about.

Music Committee                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Many of our Services are enhanced by music, which includes instruments and vocal talents of our Temple members. Our musical talent and the choir coordinate to arrange an array of special musical events during Religious Services or for special concerts. The Music Committee focuses on ways to bring innovative, exciting and special musical accompaniment to enhance the spirit of our Services and special events. 

Office Committee                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The office is always looking for a few good men and women to volunteer. We spend hours helping with mailings, and related “stuff”.

Religious School and Bat/Bat Mitzvah Committee                                                                                                                                                           The goal of the Religious School and Bar/Bar Mitzvah Committee is to ensure an adequate foundation in the formal Jewish education of the youth of our Temple, including the preparations needed for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah, and ultimately their graduation from our Hebrew High School program, Kesher Kef, at the end of 12th grade. Our dedicated committee members work closely with the Rabbi, Education Director and Religious school staff to establish goals, guidelines, and policies, to maintain our reputation as one of the best Religious Schools on Long Island, from Kindergarten through 12th grade.

Religious Services Committee                                                                                                                                                                                            Religious Services is the Committee that plans our Erev Shabbat and Holiday Services at Temple Avodah. Known for the special “theme” Shabbats and creative Purim and Chanukah Services, we welcome your input to keep Temple Avodah spiritual and lively. We  also focus attention on the High Holiday Services. We meet monthly and welcome Temple Members to attend and bring their ideas and enthusiasm.

Security Committee                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     This committee becomes more important yearly, due to Global issues involving security, especially within the Jewish Community. Temple Avodah wants to keep our members safe. We coordinate with local Police and keep abreast of security concerns.

Our Temple is run by volunteers who make things happen.

Join us and make things happen!

Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785