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Welcome to Temple Avodah

Bnai Mitzvah

Mazel Tov on your child's upcoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah! This is a very exciting and hectic time in both yours and your child’s life. Temple Avodah is here to help you in any way we can.

Temple Avodah’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparation fully prepares children for their special day ahead. Together with Rabbi Goren, Cantor Amelia Fox, Director of Education Phyllis Pellman and our Religious School educators, students are in an engaging environment that is both educational and fun. Preparation beings in the third grade as students enroll in       Religious School. Students start with the Aleph Bet and move through a detailed curriculum, as children are taught to read Hebrew, with an emphasis on prayers. Each of our Religious School classes leads afternoon services on a regular basis, with all students taking part, to put into practice the knowledge and skills they have mastered.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah dates are assigned midway through fourth grade studies. Specific Bar/Bat Mitzvah training begins as students enter fifth grade. Children are evaluated for Hebrew proficiency and the needs of every student are taken into account so the program can be tailored to the ability of each individual child. The sixth grade curriculum furthers the emphasis on Bar/Bat Mitzvah readiness. Small group prayer classes for sixth grade gives special attention to learning.

Individual Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparation, including private lessons, begins approximately nine months before the Bar/Bat Mitzvah date. Cantor Amelia, Rabbi Goren, Phyllis Pellman and specially trained tutors and the Religious School staff work closely with the students to ensure success as they become B’nai Mitzvah. Temple Avodah’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah candidates may lead either Friday night or Shabbat morning service as they are called to the Torah for the first time.

From seventh grade forward, students are welcomed into Kesher Kef – the Temple Avodah Hebrew High School program where they can continue their religious studies by continuing to learn more about living and thinking Jewishly, and High School students become eligible to receive a generous scholarship for a trip to Israel. Religious education is encouraged for a student to continue through to graduation at grade twelve.

Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785