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Welcome to Temple Avodah

Do you love cuddling with your kid(s) and reading together? Are they 6 months through 8 years old? If yes, PJ Library is perfect for you.

You'll get a FREE Jewish children's book or music CD in your mailbox every month! That's right, FREE. No gimmicks, no catch. The books are about Jewish holidays and Jewish values. They're selected by experts, kid tested, age appropriate and beautifully illustrated. You'll love them as much as your kids do.

PJ Library welcomes all Jewish families, whatever your background, knowledge, observance or family make-up.

Thanks to the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and a group of funding partners, known as the PJ Alliance, you can participate in PJ Library even if you don’t live near a major city with a big Jewish population. That’s why we created this National PJ Library community.

Sign up today at Enroll in PJ Library In approximately six to eight weeks, you and your child(ren) can cuddle up and read a PJ Library book together.

PJ Library at Temple Avodah

The PJ Library program comes to Temple Avodah thanks to the generosity of Bonnie and Steven Kanowitz and the Amanda Rose Kanowitz Children’s Library Fund.

Families with children ages 6 months thru 8 years of age, living in Oceanside or surrounding communities are able to participate and receive one book or CD per family each month absolutely free. 


If your grandchildren live outside Oceanside or its surrounding communities, they can be signed up for PJ Library in a community serving the area of their residence. You can find that community by clicking on the map which you will find at

Funding Partner

PJ Library is made possible by funding from the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, National Alliance Partners, Union for Reform Judaism


The Amanda Rose Kanowitz Children’s Library

The Amanda Rose Kanowitz Children’s Library was created in 2008 through the generosity of Bonnie and Steven Kanowitz in memory of their granddaughter Amanda Rose. The Children’s Library has books about Bible, Biography, Fiction, Folk Tales, History, Holidays, Holocaust, Israel, Jewish Living, Prayer, Reference and Torah. When you visit the Library, you can find a loose-leaf binder with an inventory of all books classified by author, title or category. If you would like to borrow a book, please use the loose-leaf binder with the sign-out sheet to indicate which book you borrowed and then please note the date when you return it.

Donations can be made to the Amanda Rose Kanowitz Children’s Library Fund to help us continue to enhance the reading enjoyment of children.


Adult Library - the Alan M. Katz Memorial Library

Located on the second floor of the education wing, the Library is open at all times except when meetings or classes are held. The Temple office can tell you when that is. There is also a shelf of books in the Temple office from which you can borrow a book. If you want a book on a particular subject it would be well to call the volunteer librarian, Bob Epstein at 536-7911.The Alan M. Katz Memorial Library has 2500 books, mostly non-fiction, categorized under the following headings:
– American Jewish History (subsection: anti-Semitism)
– Art and Music
– Bible
– Biblical Archeology
– Biography and Memoirs
– Comparative Religion
– Ethics, Laws and Response (sub-section: Maimonides)
– Hasidism, Mysticism and Kabala (subsection: Martin Buber)
– Holidays
– Holocaust
– Humor and Folklore
– Israel-Jewish History
– Judaism (sub-section A.J.Heschel)
– Lifecycle
– Reference
– Reform Judaism
– Significant Jewish Authors (mostly fiction)
– Talmud
– World Jewry
– Yiddish

We gratefully accept financial contributions which may be made to the Alan M. Katz Memorial Library Fund.

We are proud that our Library contains books by, what we call, Significant Jewish Authors. A partial list is at the bottom of this page. The complete list is in a red binder on the window ledge. The Library lends books using the honor system. There is another clearly marked red sign-out binder on the window ledge. It is important that you use it.Authors in the Significant Jewish Author section:
S.Y. Agnon
Sholem Asch
Saul Bellow
Chaim Nachman Bialik
Abraham Cahan
Sigmund Freud
Joseph Heller
Franz Kafka
Primo Levi
Bernard Malamud
Arthur Miller
Amos Oz
Y.L. Peretz
Chaim Potok
Philip Roth
Henry Roth
J.D. Salinger
Sholom Aleichem
I.B. Singer
I.J. Singer
Leon Uris
Elie Wiesel
Herman Wouk
Thu, February 6 2025 8 Sh'vat 5785